Protecting our environment
Biosecurity – Marine Pests
The Bay of Islands is a pristine marine environment and we are active in managing the potential threat of harmful marine pests establishing themselves in the area.
One of the major non indigenous threats to the Bay at present is from Mediterranean Fanworm. This is currently well established in the greater Auckland Harbour and in parts of the Whangarei Harbour and Marsden Cove.
To manage this risk, the skipper of any vessel wanting to use any marina in New Zealand’s Far North has to prove before it arrives that the vessel is free of the pest. As a result, in order to obtain a berth at any marina in our region a vessel will either need to have been antifouled within the previous six months or to have had its hull completely power-washed within the previous month.
A marine biosecurity charter has been developed to help deal with this hazard
​Ministry of Primary Industries
– biofouling management requirements
Marine pests and diseases introduced to New Zealand on vessel hulls (biofouling) are a threat to our marine environment and resources. From May 2018, all commercial and recreational vessels arriving in New Zealand will need to have a clean hull. Find out about the new biofouling requirements.